Ebony Kahal

Ebony Kahal

Friendly beer fan. Hardcore bacon fan. Total tv ninja. Avid food scholar. Amateur beer maven. Evil internet maven.

30 Author´s Posts
Understanding the Claims Process Timeline

Understanding the Claims Process Timeline

Making an auto insurance claim can be a daunting and confusing task, with so many steps and details to keep track of....

Medical Payments Coverage: What You Need to Know

Medical Payments Coverage: What You Need to Know

It can be confusing to understand the various types of car insurance coverage available, and medical payments coverage is ...

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: What You Need to Know

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: What You Need to Know

When it comes to car insurance, Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage is one of the most important types of coverage...

Preparing Documents for Filing an Auto Insurance Claim

Preparing Documents for Filing an Auto Insurance Claim

Filing an auto insurance claim can be an overwhelming process, and it can be difficult to know where to start. It's...

Raising Your Deductible: Pros and Cons

Raising Your Deductible: Pros and Cons

When it comes to auto insurance, raising your deductible is one of the most common ways to save money. While this...

How a Higher Deductible Can Save You Money on Auto Insurance Premiums

How a Higher Deductible Can Save You Money on Auto Insurance Premiums

Are you looking for a way to save money on auto insurance premiums? If so, you may want to consider raising your...

Bodily Injury Liability Coverage Explained

Bodily Injury Liability Coverage Explained

When it comes to auto insurance, bodily injury liability coverage is one of the most important types of coverage you can...

Receiving Payment for Your Auto Insurance Claim

Receiving Payment for Your Auto Insurance Claim

When an accident happens and you need to make an auto insurance claim, one of the most important parts of the process is...

What are Multi-Policy and Multi-Car Discounts?

What are Multi-Policy and Multi-Car Discounts?

Are you looking for ways to save money on auto insurance? One option you should consider is taking advantage of...

Gathering Information for an Insurance Claim

Gathering Information for an Insurance Claim

When you are involved in an auto accident, the first step is to file an insurance claim. Gathering the necessary...

Rental Car Reimbursement: A Comprehensive Overview

Rental Car Reimbursement: A Comprehensive Overview

No matter what kind of vehicle you drive, having rental car reimbursement insurance is essential. If you're involved in...

Submitting a Claim to Your Insurer

Submitting a Claim to Your Insurer

Submitting a claim to your insurer can be a daunting task. It is important to understand your rights and responsibilities ...

Reporting an Accident to Your Insurance Company: When and How

Reporting an Accident to Your Insurance Company: When and How

Accidents are an unfortunate reality when it comes to driving, and if you find yourself in such a situation, it's...

Providing the Required Information to Your Insurer

Providing the Required Information to Your Insurer

Accidents happen, and when they do, it's important to be prepared. Knowing what information to provide to your insurer...

Property Damage Liability Coverage Explained

Property Damage Liability Coverage Explained

Having property damage liability coverage is essential for anyone who owns a car or other vehicle. This type of insurance ...

Safety Device Discounts: Tips for Saving Money on Auto Insurance

Safety Device Discounts: Tips for Saving Money on Auto Insurance

Having an up-to-date safety device on your vehicle can be an important factor in reducing the cost of your auto insurance ...

Comprehensive Coverage: A Comprehensive Look at Auto Insurance

Comprehensive Coverage: A Comprehensive Look at Auto Insurance

When it comes to auto insurance, comprehensive coverage is one of the most important types of coverage you can have. It...

Estimating Costs with an Online Calculator: Tips for Saving Money on Auto Insurance

Estimating Costs with an Online Calculator: Tips for Saving Money on Auto Insurance

Estimating the cost of auto insurance can be a daunting task. With so many variables to consider, it can be difficult to...

Good Driver Discounts: Tips for Saving Money on Auto Insurance

Good Driver Discounts: Tips for Saving Money on Auto Insurance

Are you looking for ways to save money on auto insurance? One way to save is to take advantage of good driver discounts....

Comparing Auto Insurance Quotes Online: Tips for Saving Money

Comparing Auto Insurance Quotes Online: Tips for Saving Money

Are you looking to save money on your auto insurance? Shopping around for the best rate can be time-consuming, but it is...

Dealing With the Adjuster and Repair Shop

Dealing With the Adjuster and Repair Shop

When filing an auto insurance claim, there are two key steps to understand: dealing with the adjuster and the repair...

Understanding Collision Coverage: What It Is, What It Covers, and More

Understanding Collision Coverage: What It Is, What It Covers, and More

When it comes to auto insurance, one of the most important types of coverage you can have is collision coverage....

Filing a Police Report After an Accident

Filing a Police Report After an Accident

Filing a police report after an accident can be a daunting task. It's important to remember that taking the time to...

Checking Ratings from Independent Rating Agencies

Checking Ratings from Independent Rating Agencies

Are you shopping around for auto insurance? Before you purchase a policy, it's important to research the company and...

Everything You Need to Know About Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

Everything You Need to Know About Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

If you're considering purchasing auto insurance, you've likely heard of Personal Injury Protection (PIP). This type of...